PRIVACY POLICY | 横浜マラソン2021



  • note


The Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”) is an independent organization established for the purpose of operating the Yokohama Marathon. The Committee recognizes the importance of protecting all personal information in its event business activities and works to protect personal information through the following policies, ensuring the thorough compliance of officials and employees etc. with behavioral standards.

  1. The Committee shall acquire personal information properly and lawfully.
  2. The Committee shall use acquired personal information within the scope of the explicit purpose of use. Measures shall be taken for this purpose to prevent use outside of the scope of the purpose of use.
  3. The Committee shall not disclose personal information to outside parties without the advance consent of the individual, except within the previously explicit scope or in accordance with laws and regulations etc.
  4. The Committee shall take appropriate measures and corrective action to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information and to maintain it in its proper condition.
  5. The Committee shall confirm that individuals themselves shall retain the right to request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, removal and suspension of use of personal information, and shall respond promptly in the event that such a request is made.
  6. The Committee shall respond promptly as appropriate when complaints or consultations are received in regard to the handling of personal information.
  7. The Committee shall conduct training on personal information protection and shall work to raise awareness of personal information protection in order to ensure compliance with laws and regulations concerning the handling of personal information, guidelines established by the state, and other norms.
  8. The Committee shall work to continuously improve personal information protections.

January 28, 2020
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee Chair

Inquiries for Complaints and Consultations regarding the Committee’s handling of Personal Information

Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee Secretariat:

Reception Hours9:30 AM to 5 PM (Monday to Friday)

Handling of Personal Information by the Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee Secretariat


Name of Organization Responsible for Handling Personal Information: Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”).


Purpose of Use of Personal Information: The Committee may use personal information within the scope necessary for accomplishing the following purposes. Also, the purpose of use shall be published on the website and on application forms and flyers etc.

  • Personal information of event participants
  • Contact related to participation or suspensions etc.
  • Preparation of a roster for the management of attendance and entry fees
  • Understanding health conditions
  • Accident insurance application procedures
  • Emergency contact
  • Event questionnaire surveys
  • Event business instructions
  • Posting names of participants in event programs
  • Posting photographs and video on flyers etc. and the website
  • When event video, photographs, articles or records (name, age, gender, record, portrait etc.) etc. are reported, posted or used on television, online, or in newspapers, magazines or other publications etc. The organizer shall have the right to post/use.
  • Personal information for the registration of volunteers
  • Contact and instructions regarding volunteer activities
  • Preparation of a roster to manage registered volunteers
  • Posting photographs and video on printed materials such as flyers etc. and the website
  • When video, photographs, articles or records (name, age, gender, record, portrait etc.) etc. of activities are reported, posted or used on television, online, or in newspapers, magazines or other publications etc., the organizer shall have the right to post/use.


Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties: The Committee shall not provide personal data to any third party without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases.

  • Where prior consent/approval has been obtained from the customer
  • When provided within the scope of business needs by the Committee
  • For the shipping of printed materials from the Committee
  • For administrative procedures associated with the application of accident insurance
  • When business video, photographs, articles and records etc. are published, posted or used on television, online, or in newspapers, magazines or other published materials etc.
  • When necessary for the protection of life, body or property, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
  • When necessary to be provided in accordance with laws and regulations etc.


Inquiries for Complaints and Consultations regarding the Committee’s handling of Personal Information

Yokohama Marathon Organizing Committee Secretariat:

AddressNissei Yokohama Onoecho Building, 6-81 Onoecho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0015
Reception Hours9:30 AM to 5 PM (Monday to Friday)